marker on chalkboard drawing of several overlapping sinusoidal waves. They are made of lines, shapes, dots of varying colors. One wave depicts the phases of the moon and another the movement of the sun.

marker on chalkboard drawing of several overlapping sinusoidal waves. They are made of lines, shapes, dots of varying colors. One wave depicts the phases of the moon and another the movement of the sun.


Amateur - from Latin amare - ‘to love’

  • Someone moving from a place of enjoyment, affection, or release; embracing fluidity, imperfection, and acts of creativity as worthwhile without external valuation.

Doodlepoem -

  • a momentary, transient, or long-form artistic expression of coalesced personal perspectives, movements, patterns, decisions, experiences, or contexts.

  • An offering made in prayer to self and unknown. An ode to the confusion of timing, a daydream of remote possibility. A wondering of wandering connection. A repeated expression of creative devotion.

layered watercolor lines, shapes, and forms in various colors

layered watercolor lines, shapes, and forms in various colors


photo of mische, a white human with glasses and dark hair.

photo of mische, a white human with a faraway expression.

I am an artist offering messy observations through images, writing, and conversation. As I question and change and contradict and feel I want to invite you into the wonder of y/our complexity.

browse available prints, booklets, and originals

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Creativity is a conversation.

Reach out if you'd like to collaborate. Ask me to create, co-create, contribute, participate in, or support artistic projects.

What and how are you communicating with the world?

What is being communicated to you through the patterns you consume and create?

digital illustration of orange and yellow leaves on reaching branches

digital illustration of orange and yellow leaves on reaching branches

Marker drawing of overlapping waves of varying frequencies and colors.

Marker drawing of overlapping waves of varying frequencies and colors.